понедељак, 10. август 2015.

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Satnam Singh Visits India

Satnam Singh wraps himself in a turban under the Indian sun.

Newly-drafted by the Dallas Mavericks, Satnam Singh has been touring India on a personal trip. In June, Singh became the first Indian-born player drafted into the NBA (52nd overall). He visited the Golden Temple, otherwise known as Harmandir Sahib, which translates to Temple of God. The Golden Temple hosts 100,000 worshippers per day.
We tagged along to capture the best moments of his journey. 
Singh travels with his father, Balbir Singh Bhamara -- also standing more than 7 feet tall

Singh snaps a picture of The Golden Temple, built in 1604 and constructed of gold and marble. 

Satnam Singh smiles for the camera with loved ones. Singh has much to celebrate this summer, with training camp just two months away.
Satnam travels with his father, Balbir Singh Bhamara -- also standing more than seven feet tall

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