четвртак, 6. август 2015.

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I will give my life' to win La Liga title with Atletico

Fernando Torres, left, said it would be 'special' to win his first top-flight league trophy with boyhood club Atletico Madrid.

Fernando Torres says 'I will give my life' to win La Liga title with Atletico

Torres came up through Atletico's academy and played for the senior team from 2001-07 before finally returning last season on loan from AC Milan, and he said he hopes to spend the forseeable future with his boyhood club.

"Now, I am not thinking about anything else," the 31-year-old said. "I hope to keep winning, I feel good and I am raring to play at a high level. I still have some good years left in me and I want to enjoy them here.

"And I want the fans to enjoy it with me. I want to win titles, whether it will be this season, or the one afterwards."
Torres has reclaimed the No. 9 shirt at Atletico after Mario Mandzukic left for Juventus.
"I am happy to wear the number which I grew up with at the club," Torres said.
"I am grateful for the opportunity, it has reenergised me to play with the same number that I played for so many years with as a player. It is a special season for me."

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