четвртак, 27. август 2015.

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Arsene Wenger stars in Arsenal's attempt at the 'Dizzy Goals' challenge

Arsenal are the latest club to take part in the 'Dizzy Goals' challenge.
Billed as the footballing equivalent of the ice bucket challenge, participants have to spin around a ball 13 times before attempting to take a penalty - all in support of the Save the Children charity.
Footballing luminaries such as Michael Owen and Gary Lineker have already had a crack at the challenge with predictably amusing results - but Arsenal's latest effort is arguably the most entertaining yet.
First up is Mikael Arteta, whose limited game time this season clearly hasn't hampered his ability to put away a penalty, as the Spanish midfielder manages to slot his spot-kick home in impressive fashion.
Theo Walcott does nothing to defy accusations that he is a largely clumsy winger with a comic tumble before he even manages to reach the penalty spot.Fortunately Theo's blushes are saved by an incredible cameo from Arsene Wenger - ably assisted by Gunnersaurus.
After a sluggish circuit around the ball, the Arsenal manager pushes the Arsenal mascot aside to show him it's done...

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